
Hire Storage space when moving long distance

Posted on 03/06/2016

Moving a fair way away from where you used to live can be extremely exciting, but it can also be terrifying, so we understand that the last thing you want to be thinking about is the logistics of the move itself. You will be leaving friends behind, but you will surely be opening yourself up to new people and new experiences, so it isn’t all bad. One thing that is annoying however, is having to hire storage space when moving long distance. Sorting out storage is a pain anyway, but given that you have a fair distance to travel, everything becomes that little bit more difficult.

Given that you are moving a fair way away, it may well be wise to use a specialist removals service, who are used to long distance moves, and will be prepared to do stopover moves, as well as everything else that a longer move entails. These sorts of removers may be equipped to help with sorting out your storage needs, so make sure that you look in to this sort of thing when you are selecting a removal company. There are companies who will take your items and pack them in to special wooden containers, so that they are particularly well protected, and then transport them for you, to their own storage warehouses, where they will be stored in safe conditions under the guard of the company, until you need your items. When they receive your call, they will deliver your stored items to your door and move everything in for you, how perfect does that sound?

Not all of us can afford this type of amazing service however, so there are other ways to look at it, if you are going to do the work yourself. Firstly, be aware that storage space in urban areas will be more expensive, just as it is more pricy to rent a flat in the city, space is of a premium for your unused dresser and tables! It may be worth using storage further out if you are moving to a large town or city. Will you be using storage near your new place, or are you happy to use a facility near your current location? Does it make sense to take everything with you if you are planning on coming back? Will you need to get to the stored objects regularly? All of these are things to keep in mind when you are considering where to rent a storage unit.

Keep in mind as well, that you should only be storing that which you absolutely need to store. It is pointless spending money on renting a locker for items that are worthless, or that you will never really need again. Such items should be recycled or sold on, as this will make as well as save you money! Thus forth, if you are storing anything, it will likely be fairly valuable, so you should keep in mind the fact that storage units can damage your items. Adverse weather change can lead to damp forming in the unit if it is not properly protected, and this can rot away your soft furnishings and other materials like wood, as well as rusting metal. Machinery can seize up through neglect, and precious materials can warp and flex as temperatures change, rendering some things completely useless or worthless. Imagine spending all of that money so that your items remain valuable and returning to find that they are completely ruined; you are out of pocket on both counts.
